duminică, 23 iunie 2019

SOCI - Carti Postale 15 X 10,5 cm

Zapolyarye health resort

Entrance of Dagomys hotel
nest beach. An elevator

View of Khosta and Kudepsta

Kurordny avenue. Rhe Garden of Soviet-Japanese Friendschip

Dagomis. Dagomys hotel nest.

Zhemchuzhina Hotel. A beach

Festivalny Concert Hall
(view from Mayak beach)

Mayak city beach

Festivalny Concert Hall

Within Dendrarium Park

Sea port

Seaside embankment

At the park of Zapolyarye health resort

Adler. Znanye boarding-house

Matsesta Balneo Physiotherapeutic Association decoreted with the order of the Badge of Honour             

Dagomys. Olympiyskaya Hotel

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